face the winter

With warm feet

conserve your heat with glerups on your feet

The cold weather is upon us, and we stay indoor and enjoy the days with warm slippers and a cup of coffee or tea.
This year, we really have to watch out for excessively high heating bills.

Cold feet equals a cold body. A pair of warm and cosy slippers can keep your feet warm and comfortable throughout a cold winter.


It is now getting colder in schools, kindergardens and workplaces. Remember to take your slippers with you and keep your feet warm all day. It also gives a sense of coziness and well-being for tired feet.

See our entire selection for children

Tree models for adults


glerups Tøffel med lædersål Tøfler med skindsål Koksgrå
If you're the type who gets warm feet quickly and take your slippers on and off, our slip-on model is it right choice for you.
See all colors


glerups Sko med skindsål Shoe with leather sole Grå
Do you like having heel support and the feeling of a shoe rather than Slip-on, then this is the model for you to choose.
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glerups Støvle med skindsål Støvler med skindsål Denim
The boot is for you who wants to have warmth around the ankle and a bit more.
See all colors


Candles create coziness and relaxation on the sofa does miracles, fire in the fireplace and a blanket can keep both you and your home warm. With a warm pair of glerups slippers, you can feel comfortable at home.