glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Charcoalglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Charcoal
  • 50 EU (M 15 US)

glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Greyglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Grey
glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Forestglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Forest
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Charcoalglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Charcoal
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Denimglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Denim
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Cranberryglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Cranberry
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole 12 Sandglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole 12 Sand
glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Denimglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Denim
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole 11 North Seaglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole 11 North Sea
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Forestglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Forest
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Greyglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Grey
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Purple
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - honey Slip-on with rubber sole Petrol
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Purpleglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole Purple
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glerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole 11 North Seaglerups Slip-on with natural rubber sole - black Slip-on with rubber sole 11 North Sea
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Hard sole slippers

In addition to our leather soles, which was the first type of sole produced for glerups, we also have our hard soles made from natural rubber. These soles are for outdoor leisure, like spending some time in the garden or taking a walk in the woods. 

Hard sole slippers – perfect for winter activities

We love our loyal fans from all over the world, especially when they provide us with feedback on how they use their glerups to elevate everyday life. One thing, we have heard more than once, is people who enjoy winter swimming. It is a hobby which benefits and boosts the immune system and strengthens your overall wellbeing. Winter swimmers love to jump directly from the cold water into a pair of hard soled glerups. Not only does this help them get warm again, the sole also helps them get a good grip of the surface they walk upon, helping them not to slip or fall as they are on their way to get warm again. 

Others tell us how they bring their hard sole slippers on hiking trips, where they are the perfect break for feet that have been in hiking boots all day and need some rest while setting up camp or sitting around a fire at night. 

Danish design gone world wide

Our slippers are made in adherence to traditional craftsmanship with an ongoing curiosity in regards to production and efficiency. Furthermore we place ourselves in line with other Danish designers that all have the common denominators of Danish design tradition, which is making things that are simple, functional and elegant. We at glerups feel that our footwear fits into those categories nicely. Our slippers are simple, without any extra accessories or further ado. They are functional in the sense that they can be used anytime, anywhere and with any attire. Lastly, their elegance stems from the colors, which are all inspired by Nordic nature and have a subtleness making them fit into your everyday wardrobe. 

Another trademark of Danish design is that it is things that are made to last – this goes for glerups too. Our footwear isn’t meant to be used for just one season and then replaced, you can actually help prolong their durability by taking a few easy precautions yourself by following the easy guide on how to maintain your glerups footwear, found here.

Our wool blend

The wool blend we use for our footwear has many natural properties that are beneficial for you and your skin. It’s a wool blend that we have refined through many years of hard work and dedication, ending up with the mix we use today. It is a mix of wool from Danish Gotland sheep and wool from New Zealand and it is made with maximum comfort in mind. This wool blend has the ability to keep your feet warm, when it’s cold, but will also keep your feet cool, when it is hot. This is due to the fibers of the wool. They absorb the extra heat and moisture, making the slippers very comfortable, no matter the outer circumstances. 

Something that affects a lot of people, but not many are willing to talk about, is bad odor coming from the feet. This will not be a problem with foot wear from glerups, as the fibers also absorb any odor that might occur. It will not cause the foot wear to smell, as the odor is released together with the excess heat and moisture, when the shoes are given some time to rest, ideally somewhere outdoors, where they can get some fresh air as well. 

How it all began

The very first pair of glerups footwear actually only had a felt sole. Because it wasn’t made with the intention of creating a brand that would gain worldwide recognition. It was made as a gift for glerups founder Nanny Glerup’s husband, Ove. Nanny had taken a class in felting, making things out of wool and made her husband a pair of boot slippers. He was both touched by the gesture and proud of his wife’s handiwork and soon, he would be seen wearing the boots, no matter where he went. People started noticing and Ove excitedly told them of his wife’s skills. Family and friends started asking Nanny for slippers and boots. After a while, she and Ove bought a small farm, where she could have a workshop and Ove bought a few sheep, so they didn’t have to rely on others for wool for the footwear. The demand for Nanny’s footwear grew and when an order came in from Sweden for 200 pairs of childrens boots, she knew it was time to upgrade. She then created glerups and today, we ship footwear all over the world.

The Langdal – a new type of glerups

You asked – and we listened. By popular demand we have produced a shoe that is more like a sneaker, with laces and all. It’s a shoe made with the same passion as our other footwear. Introducing the Langdal, our newest type of footwear, a sneaker with all the comfort and subtle style of the slippers. Available in light green, grey, cream, charcoal and rosa, it will be the perfect addition to your everyday wardrobe. A beautiful shoe made with 100% natural wool and soft, chrome-free leather. 

In making this shoe, we at glerups have teamed up with project zero waste, which is an organization working to reduce waste products by turning them into usable objects instead. In the case of the Langdal, the insole and midsole are made with coconut, a residual from the food industry that is ideal for making shoe parts. This goes along nicely with our own philosophy of ethical living in style and comfort.

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